Friday, March 10, 2017

Fighting the odds

Life can teach you such cruel lessons some times, it's like your whole existence is questioned....
You are surrounded by people wearing such masks that even your near and dear ones fail to recognize the good and the bad, the right and wrong!!
In your journey of making people happy or rather satisfy, all your sacrifices, your good deeds, your good vices are so easily forgotten, that they almost make it sound like all that you did over the years was absolute rubbish.  Even though in the process, you would have literally burnt your dreams, let go off of all that you ever desired, forget that you ever had ambitions... And yet you wouldn't have ever let anybody have the slightest clue of all this..
And then you wake up one fine morning and boom!! All the blocks that you would have built over the years, fall apart... Just by the blink of an eye... And you see it all right in front of you....
You are made to realise, that what ever you had done over the years was just a part of your Responsibility and that you have not done a great job with it, neither have you earned any respect for yourself!! Incredible right....
Suddenly your core starts to fall apart, all your trust, bond and the relationships that you would have built over the years feel meaningless and hollow.
As a child I was always taught that Life is unfair... But now I have got the real taste of it!!
Trying to fight the odds!!
That is Just Me!!!! 

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