Monday, August 29, 2011

Rewind << !

Just as the season for the unpredictable rain sets in….
Just as I see the colorful umbrellas coming out….
Just as I see fewer people on the streets; and more so with the missing faces of the people, by and large taken over by the retro style umbrellas.
Polka dots, bright colors, more motifs while some stick to the traditional Black colored umbrellas…

I have seen many people crib about the rains..
But obviously because its ‘Dirty, Filthy, Annoying’ and what not….

As I return home riding two wheeler, in the heavy rains; enjoying the splash of the water hitting hard on my face. The streets bare an isolated look, no soul is seen enjoying the rains…..

While I am still on the roads; my mind hit the Rewind button <<
Where I was on the streets and would wait for it to rain so the street gets clogged and I run along with my friends so that we can jump in the slush and actually get drenched in the rains….

Those were the days when we used to play with the paper boats and build stories around them…
Those were the days when we never thought that getting drenched in the rain was tacky..
As I recall…. All my friends would come running out of their houses just as it would begin to rain and we would deny to go back home even after a lot of persuasion from our respective parents…..

Gone are the days… Now I only see parents scaring their children about all possible diseases they may get prone to due to the rains….
Gone are the days when children were children…. When they used to be spontaneous… when they had no inhibitions…..

Really miss all those moments…..

Re living every moment!
That is Just Me!!